Monday, September 14, 2009

Oh, New Moon

You had better be an amazing movie. That is all.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Looking Forward

What I'm most excited about right now is this gorgeous girl next to me giving birth to her son in December.
My best friend Kadie...
I love and miss her so much.
And I don't think she has any idea...
I miss the way we used to be.
I miss the nights we'd stay up talking.
I miss the college dorm parties.
I miss the middle school sleep-overs.
I miss the bicycle rides through the neighborhood.
I miss the good times.
I miss the bad times.
I miss the times that I missed out on...
... and there were SO many.
Kadie I love you. You're my best friend. And you always will be.

Heavy Thoughts

It's been well over a month since I posted something...

On September 3rd I weighed myself...
And was very unhappy and depressed about what I saw.
I saw the weight I was when I delivered my daughter almost two years ago.
Sixty pounds heavier than I was BEFORE I was pregnant...
How depressing.
I thought losing the baby weight would be somewhat easy right after I had her...
Boy, what the HELL was I thinking?!
I haven't really tried too hard to lose the weight either though, so I suppose I only have myself to blame.
It depresses me so much that I still continue to do nothing about it but wallow (is that the right word?!) in my own self-pity.

I need to snap the hell out of it and woman up about it.

My thoughts are so scattered right now.
I appologize.

Until next time.....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Welcome to Indiana! Where a person probably needed an ark to get around today!

I am sick. Very sick, actually. I've had the same bloody cold for nearly a week now. I have a follow up with my doctor tomorrow for my "crazy meds" as I like to call them (Celexa) so I decided to wait it out and just tell her I've been sick for a week as well and to give me some DROOGS. Yes, droogs. Hopefully Jae won't catch what I've got *fingers crossed*.

I'm sick of having two jobs already. Some of you may not know it, but I'm superwoman. Two jobs, part time school, a (nearly) two-year-old, and a boyfriend of (on & off) four years now... yeah, I do it ALL. And quite frankly, I'm sick of it. One of the jobs is probably going to HAVE to go, and I've got a feeling it's going to be the one I like more... But it all comes down to the money in the end.. or lack thereof.

Baby Jae is getting so big. She's already gone poopoo in the big girl potty TWICE now :) And she's not even two yet. She says everything under the sun.. even words she probably shouldn't say, haha. AND she UNDERSTANDS them too, which is awesome. I have a pretty kick-ass kid, and I'm proud of it. I REALLY want another one, but I'm no where NEAR ready. I still live with my 'rents for goodness sake.

On that depressing note, I think I'll bring my rambling to an end.
Puffs Plus with Lotion and I have a date tonight... things could get sticky.

Friday, July 10, 2009


My best friend was married on June 6, 2009. My daughter was the flower girl.
She's growing so fast. Nearly too fast... She's only 21 months and she wants to use the potty. She likes sitting on it and calling for her mamaw and papaw to come look. When they turn the corner she says, "I potty, I potty!" But of course, she has yet to actually go potty in the potty.
Her vocabulary amazes me. She will say everything and anything. She says "Up high" when she wants to give you a high five. She says, "Pound it", when she wants to pound it (a fist-to-fist gesture). She askes to be, "Put down!" when she doesn't want to be held or carried. She says all the kids' names in her daycare class but refuses to say her own name. She loves swimming and fishing and being outside. She also loves shoes. This is going to be a problem in the future. I already know.
JaeLynn will be two on September 29th and I'm no where ready for it. This is my favorite time with her so far... I don't want her to grow up any faster... It needs to slow down... for my sanity's sake.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First post.

This is my first post to this new blog. I have a lot to learn when it comes to this seeing as how I've been an avid LJ-er for 5 years.

Recently, the death of 17 month old Madeline Spohr has touched my heart unlike anything that's ever happened to me. I want to meet her mother, Heather, and embrace her in the biggest hug ever. I cry nearly every night for that family.

I have an 18 month old daughter myself. I cannot even fathom losing my child. Heather & Mike Spohr are the strongest parents I know.. or don't know, but know of.

If you see this Heather or Mike, I want you to know I pray for you every night, and every time I think of Maddie.